Tom Gumbleton: A Prophet Among Us (2009) documentary by Tony Gallucci
Loss of a Prophet: Bishop Tom Gumbleton's last Mass as pastor of St. Leo's parish(2007)
A Prophet without a Home: Bishop Tom Gumbleton (2007) 6 minutes
“StratCom’s Role in the Militarization of Space: An Update and Catholic Response"Speech by Bishop Thomas Gumbleton on Oct. 05, 2007. Sung-Hee Choi, producer.
John Cardinal Dearden: A Remembrance. 2005 Archdiocese of Detroit (28 minutes)
Let Iraq Live, by Gloria La Riva, 1998, 28 min. Available from the International
Action Center. [According to the IAC: "A companion video to the book "Challenge to Genocide: Let Iraq Live", [it] portrays the incredible journey of 84 people from the United States who risked 12-years imprisonment to take millions of dollars of medicine to the Iraqi people. Led by Ramsey Clark, Bishop Thomas Gumbleton, and Rev. Lucius Walker in May 1998, the Iraq Sanctions Challenge is the story of civil disobedience on an international scale. "]
Selected Audiography:
"Bishop Gumbleton Protests Iraq Situation" (1998)
(interview with Amy Goodman on Democracy Now.
El Salvador Remembered: Bishop Gumbleton
(Audio Cassette)An interview with Bishop Thomas Gumbleton. (1990)
Running Time:28
Available from the Archdiocesan Resource Center of the Archdiocese of Portland, OR
Additional Audio-Visual materials archived at the University of Notre Dame:
AGUM C1300 Audio (Reel) : Thomas Gumbleton - Phil Donahue Show 1987/1228
AGUM C4877 Video (VHS) : Detroit Tribute to Paul Robeson, US Peace Council 1988/0409
AGUM C4878 Video (VHS) : US Bishops Anti- Poverty Program: Metro Detroit Campaign for Human Develop